

miércoles, diciembre 05, 2007

martes, diciembre 04, 2007

A very special event!

Hi my adorable guyss! :D
Today is a very important day for a very special person, Carla Sague! today is her birthday and now she's 17 years old!
Happy birthday to Youu! Happy birthday to Youuu..! :)
She is the younger of our group of friends apart of Franc who is still 16.
Carla is a very crazy and speaker person. She's always talking about her future and she has got very clears ideas; She knows that she'll live in New York city someday and that she'll work in a very important position (this fact she doesn't know a lot because she's always change, one day say that she'll be a hollywood star, other day that she will be an auditor...)
I belive that she can arrive very far because she's very responsable and steadfast. Moreover Carla is a very friendly and funny person ^^
Well Carla, you can't complaining because I've said a very good and nice things about you ;)

Tomorrow is the last day of the first term and I have got the two last exams! :D
I'm ancious to finish this course because it is being very hard for me and I think that for everybody!
Cheer up people!

bye-bye ^^

domingo, diciembre 02, 2007

I miss you...

Good afternoon!

Today is already Sunday... :( On Friday I went out with my friends in Saint Peter Fisherman. First we went to have dinner in Empori, after we went to Ruki and finally we went to a friend's house. There we laughed a lot and we spent a very funny time!
Yesterday I stayed at home because tomorrow we have two exams and if I go out at night the next day I'm very tired and I don't want to do nothing...

Well...I've had a little summary of my weekend!
Now I want to talk about a person who I miss a lot...
She's name is Anna and she lives in Granollers, I met her this summer in the camp site La Ballena Alegre :) . Anna and I worked together in the self-service and quickly we were very friends! We were inseparable and our other friends said us Zipi&Zape ^^

The summer passed very quickly and Anna left the camp site before than me... This day I became very sad... without her all were different!
A few days after, when I left the camp site, Ginesta (who also worked there) and I went to Granollers. All our camp site's friends invited us because there were the "Festa major". The two days that we stayed in Granollers were great! I've never forget two months in the Ballena Alegre and these two days...

I don't see Anna until Granoller's party and our relationship it has changed a little bit because of the distance but I'm convince that the day we meet will be Zipi&Zape like always :)