G O O D . L U C K ! ;)

domingo, mayo 18, 2008
miércoles, mayo 14, 2008
For this reason I'm going to take a little stock of this last course.
Second of batxillerat has been a harder than other courses. Overalls for the level exigency and the quantity to study of every subject. Personally I have noticed more difference between 1rst batxillerat to 2nd batxillerat than 4th ESO and 1rst batxillerat.
The last thing that I want to say is that we have to continue having lunch together (2on A and B) and going out after: in the karaoke for example ;P or other places! Everywhere we go we pass a wonderful time!
I wish the best for all of their!=)
be luckly!
a nice song to relax ;)
Lost Without You
I know I can be a little stubborn sometimes
A little righteous and too proud
I just want to find a way to compromise
Cos I believe that we can work things out
I thought I had all the answers never giving in
But baby since you´ve gone I admit that I was wrong
All I know is I´m lost without you I´m not gonna lie
How am I going to be strong without you I need you by my side
If we ever say we´ll never be together and we ended with goodbye don´t know what I´d do ...I´m
lost without you
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I´m lost without you
I keep trying to face the day I´m lost without you
How am I ever gonna get rid of these blues
Baby I´m so lonely all the time
Everywhere I go I get so confused
You´re the only thing that´s on my mind
Oh my beds so cold at night and I miss you more each day
Only you can make it right no I´m not too proud to say
All I know is I´m lost without you I´m not gonna lie
How am I going to be strong without you I need you by my side
If we ever say we´ll never be together and we ended with goodbye don´t know what I´d do ...I´m
lost without you
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I´m lost without you
I keep trying to face the day I´m lost without you
If I could only hold you now and make the pain just go away
Can´t stop the tears from running down my face
All I know is I´m lost without you I´m not gonna lie
How am I going to be strong without you I need you by my side
If we ever say we´ll never be together and we ended with goodbye don´t know what I´d do ...I´m
lost without you
I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I´m lost without you
I keep trying to face the day I´m lost without you
lunes, mayo 12, 2008
The final countdown

domingo, mayo 11, 2008
The yellow world
Albert Espinosa is graduate in Industrial engineering, he's an actor and a cinema director and also a scriptwriter. When he was a child he suffered a cancer. Because of it doctors had to amputate him a leg, take out a lung and the stomach too. He passed a long time of his youd in the hospital. Although he overcame his illness by the better form he could.
In "El món groc" Albert Espinosa wants to explain us things that the cancer tought him and how can it apply its day after day. It is not a selfhelp book, he only wants to show us the useful experiences he lived.
Overalls is a book for speak about "els grocs". They are people who have got an especial connection with you and you with them. For example:
sábado, mayo 10, 2008

We went out there every day less two days only to take a brake for the following day.
This year Barraques were different and better than others and there we chated with a lot of friends and we met others.
The better night was when "Dekrèpits" and "Obrint Pas" act there! It was so funny and I passed nice moments with all my friends.
Another night that was ok it was when Carla, me and Romà stayed alone in front of the stage where a friki band played amazing and funny songs! We laughed a lot with them :)
At the end of every night, when music ended we used to stay a few time more there chatting with people. After we came back at home to sleep, I arrived every night exhausted and I the only thing that I would do was lying on my bed and have sweet dreams ^^
Easter holidays :)

sábado, marzo 15, 2008
jueves, marzo 13, 2008
bohemian like you! ;)
Bohemian Like You" is a single by The Dandy Warhols, released in 2000.
I hope you enjoy with this song... It trasmitted me happines and freedom!
let's go to listening it and relax, we need a lot!!!! :)